Festival 2013

The 2013 Southeastern Fly Fishing Festival will be held at The Ramsey Center at Western Carolina University on May 17 - 18, 2013.
The Festival Committee has been hard at work on this year's Festival, and we are ready to launch online registration. We expect to have at least forty exhibitors and forty tiers. We are pleased to have Ian and Charity Rutter of R&R Fly Fishing, Jim Casada of Jim Casada Outdoors and Al Buhr, two-handed rod guru, as our headliners. Our MCIs and CCIs have, once again, put together a best in class casting program. You can also take the tests to become a CCI or MCI. There are numerous (mostly free) presentations and classes. Download the current casting schedule and the current free (no registration required) presentation schedule. We even have programs and events for your non-fishing significant others and kids.
On Friday night, we have teamed up with the folks at Little River TU to host the Back the Brookie BBQ. All profits from this event will support brook trout restoration in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Immediately following the BBQ, we will be showing the Fly Fishing Film Tour in the Ramsey Center. Check out this promo:
On Saturday night, you won't want to miss our banquet and great auction items.
Please join us in Cullowhee. It will be a weekend to remember. We have 100 rooms currently blocked out as well as cabin rentals. Be sure to check out Gold Sponsor, Sundog Places, for house and cabin rentals. It is not too late to be part of our Festival or become a Sponsor. We would love to have you. DON'T DELAY . . . REGISTER NOW!
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